The basic idea of project is to develop an online B2B service. The purpose of the B2B service is to facilitate trade between Vietnam suppliers and European buyers. The B2B service will take the shape of an e-commerce platform on which suppliers and buyers can meet and interactThe partnership is based on a presumption about the relationship between B2B buyers and suppliers, which can best be illustrated by the equation below:
Availability of many/active buyers = incentive for suppliers to pay an advertising fee In other words; the partnership’s success depends on the ability to attract European buyers. By creating this attraction, suppliers will have the incentive to pay for the opportunity to advertise their products. By the end of Dec, 2009, a grant support of DKK 2,787,000 has been approved by b2b program for implementing the project idea
Below is some memorable pictures about the FS in ShanghaiThe FS team includes Cuong, Hoang, Quan, Loly & 3C