Project 104.VIE.40/ Anna Black - Phomex co
The project have been approved by the PSD program under the form of SUP as practical implementation for partnerships before a long_term cooperation
Project Background
In January 2005, Jesper Moseholm carried out a study visit in Vietnam as part of the Danish Business Delegation visiting the country at that time. The result of the visit was that Phomex was chosen as Anne Black’s partner for establishment of a business co-operation in Vietnam.
The project idea is to establish a production of Anne Black’s products at the Phomex facility. The products have proven to be commercially viable and relevant for outsourcing and Anne Black is confident that a production based on skills and capabilities at Phomex will reinforce the company’s ability to grow and capitalize on the opportunities within its markets.
The products, which will be included in the project, are high-end interior design and fashion accessories in porcelain. It is the intention to expand the sales and turnover in this category of products via sufficient supply, at competitive prices and via development of further products based on the competencies and competitive advantages established through the cooperation.
Project Objectives
The objective of the project is to establish a long-term, commercially viable co-operation between Anne Black and Phomex. The objective is furthermore to disclose the possibility of a joint venture, which is the ultimate long-term goal of the start-up project. The quality of the initial co-operation and local commercial benefit in both Denmark and Vietnam will show if the basis for such cooperation exists. Finally the objective is to assess the possibility of setting up a joint venture production company that can support Danish and European companies similar to Anne Black, for which outsourcing is a necessity.
The Co-operation
The basic feature of the cooperation is that Anne Black porcelain products will be produced at the current Phomex production facility.
Despite the qualifications within both partnering companies there will be a need for training and development of the co-operation. Specifically training in product crafting, manufacturing and quality control is required.
Besides a training programme in product crafting/manufacturing, the project training and the development of the co-operation address issues such as sourcing of materials, which goes into the products (i.e. clay, glaze, silver accessories etc.), ordering processing, order forecast, quality assurance, packing, shipment, contracts, environmental issues, international copy-right law, possibilities in co-operation, pricing, FDA regulation of porcelain products, HIV/AIDS and English. Jesper Moseholm and Phomex will assess the need for further training activities when initiating the actual co-operation in Vietnam.
As part of the training and the development of the co-operation, Jesper Moseholm will make guidelines and documentation (co-operation manual) for all decisions and conclusion made in the project to facilitate quality in all business processes after establishment of co-operation.